Wednesday, June 18, 2008

NOT how this was supposed to happen.

Today I have to go to school to be fitted for a TB mask. Which in itself is a little off-putting. But I'm going. Nevermind the fact that I actually have no idea how to get from my apartment to school, but I figure that's the sort of thing that comes on its own. Right?

First I need to take a shower so as to look bright eyed and silky haired and so I feel clean and healthy. But before that can happen I need to lay my hands on the little packet of shower curtain rings that I know, I KNOW is somewhere in my apartment. I have the curtain, I have the rod, all I need are those rings. I am certain I brought the rings up from the car when I brought the curtain and then placed them in a box together. I then removed them from the box when I took it down to the recycle bin. I set the curtain on the couch and then I apparently placed the rings inside another dimension because they are not anywhere in the apartment. Granted, the apartment is a bit chaotic at the moment due to the fact that I am in the process of unpacking and downsizing. And this is a small package of clear rings. But I need them!!

Upon further inspection, I realize that I also don't have a hairbrush. It may be down in the car still, or it may be hanging out with the rings doing whatever it is you do in a parallel universe and you've never been outside WalMart. I can lay my hands on no less than 4 new, still wrapped toothbrushes because I thought I didn't have a spare so I bought two and then I made my sis buy me another one because her kid dropped mine in the toilet.

Adding to all of this, I have a gigantic zit on my chin. Why?? Why??? I had acne in high school. I will admit this freely and say that for all the warnings, Accutane was a godsend for me. Cleared my skin right up and did NOT make me feel like committing suicide like it apparently did for several other teens. But my skin remains incredibly sensitive. "Sensitive" as in I can't wash it with soap. I starting using Cetaphil a few months ago because I thought I probably should be using something on my face and I didn't realize the association between this and the fact that I was breaking out a lot until I packed it up and sent it to SF whilst I remained in LA. My skin got better without it. And I still haven't been using it so why? Why the enormous zit?? Stress? My dirty pillow cases? What???

So here I go to wash my hair in the bath and attempt to finger-comb it into something acceptable. Oh, and I can't cover up the zit because I loaned my only tube of concealer to a friend who needed to cover her hickeys.

This is not quite the first impression I was imagining.