Wanna see the shoes I am wearing right this moment? Here they are.
Okay, here are my other shoes. The heap below is the general "casual" shoe section of my closet minus a couple pairs that must still be in my car from the road trip. Those crazy high top DCs are still unlaced because I haven't quite gotten up the guts to actually wear them.
Anyhow, the shoe rack contains more shoes.
And there are shoe boxes next to the shoe rack.... And, see waaayyy up there on the top shelf of the closet?
I mentioned in a previous post that I am totally the Princess and the Pea when it comes to shoes. They must be comfortable or else I will not wear them. If they are cute then certainly I will buy them, as you can see here:
Most of these are around the semi-ish comfortable range on my feetsies. They have been worn on between one and five occasions. Approximately. Give or take. Ish.
Sometimes, I reach for these.
More often than not, I go back to my old faithfuls.