which I think are pretty amazing. Because who doesn't love those taco salad bowls that are basically a gigantic corn chip that get all saturated with cheese and sour cream? This, as far as I'm concerned, is the next step up. She also mentioned these bacon placemats
from another web site which I think look kind of gross but I guess I could get behind using them as a little appetizer plate. I could definitely come up with some great fantasies of what to put on the plate that would compliment and not override the flavor of the bacon.
Have I mentioned yet how much I love love LOVE bacon?? It's delicious. It makes my taste buds sing. Since I don't like to make wide generalizations regarding my preferences, I wouldn't say it's my favorite food. But it's pretty damn close. That crackling sound it makes when it's cooking.... the aroma wafting in the air.... that first crispy, crunchy bite.... heavenly.
Out of curiosity, I hunted around on the internet and with pretty minimal effort, I managed to come across some pretty fantastic bacon and bacon-inspired products:
I'm not sure if I would ever wear this Bacon Scarf
$35 at shopsin's general store. Even better is the description, "red and white scarf resembling marbled fat." And apparently bacon scarves are much more popular than I had known, because here's one with a bit different style, but great presentation and $38.
Maybe someday I'll have a shirt with lettuce and tomatoes on it and this will be the perfect accessory. Although I'm not sure how I feel about my clothes having such a strong overall theme....
For people who like chocolate, but wish it had that extra "kick" that bacon delivers, your prayers have been answered with bacon candy bars.
AND, at Marini's at Santa Cruz, they sell this little treat
Love the taste of bacon? Want to dream about it all night long? Then bacon flavored dental floss is for you; just 5 bucks.
And for those of us who wish we could take our love of bacon to an even classier level-- the BLT ring.
Delicious and sexy. And only $750. Available in gold or sterling silver.
One year my sister gave my brother in law the Bacon of the Month Club. Just $150 gets you 12 different artisan bacons delivered to your door, informative notes about said bacon, discounts, recipes, a membership card, plus a little rubber toy pig. And if you were wondering what one might do with all that bacon, here are a few ideas (fifty to be exact). My personal favorite is the Bacon Salt Martini.
Okay. I'm sure I could find more, but perhaps it's time to stop.