Well I did it-- I wrote those 5 entries that have nothing atall to do with nursing. It kind of took me longer than it was supposed to, but I'm still going to call it a success. It was a good experiment to do to help myself remember there are lots and lots of
other things I [used to have time to] care about.
This past week was week 8. Which means we have 2 weeks left in our first quarter!! Or, as I like to put it-- we have one week left until our last week!!!!! And then it's only 3 more quarters after that till the end of the year. And then two more years after that and then I'll be DONE......... sigh. These last couple of weeks are going to get even crazier than usual, I think, since classes and clinicals and such are getting wrapped up. So I'm going to get even less sleep than usual as I attempt to pass my finals and assessments. But my classmates and I have already come so very far this semester that I'm pretty sure we can all hang on for a little longer. And then we get a nice 5 or so day break before we have to start all over again in September.
This weekend C is a-visiting, which is wonderful. We've reserved the theater room in my building for tonight and I'm pretty excited to eat a variety of fried foods and drink vanilla vodka and _____. I am not so excited about the fact that he wants to make me watch Saw. Last night we were at the movie theater in Daly City which, p.s., is rather on the ghetto side in terms of general clientele. But the parking was free. Anyhow, we were at the movie theater and we saw a preview for Saw V which comes out on Halloween-- which got me all excited. Not because it's a movie I'm looking forward to seeing (since I'm pretty much the biggest wuss you'll ever meet in terms of scary movies) but because I love love LOVE LOVE LOVE Halloween!!
I was going to write that I start thinking about potential Halloween costumes in late December, but that simply wouldn't be true-- I am
always thinking about potential Halloween costumes. I mean, not actively, but it's definitely always in the back of my mind. And I sort of keep a running list of costumes I'd like to or might like to do. Which means that I'm also always on the lookout for the various pieces of my costumes that I might run across in
thrift stores or Target or wherever so I'm not rushing to the ridiculously overpriced costume shop on October 29th.
I'm serious. Last year one of my costumes (oh, did I not mention that I also like to wear a minimum of 2 separate costumes every year?) was Little Miss Sunshine, from her dance scene at the end of the movie.
(Sorry for the somewhat tiny and poor quality of the images...)

I thought of this costume idea in, like, May so I was on the lookout for its components since then. I found the gold belt first, at Charlotte Russe in Burbank. Then, during Fiesta in Santa Barbara, Flynne and Whitney and I went to this crazy costumey store whose name escapes me at the moment and I found the ruffly shortie shorts. I bought the gold wristbands about a week later at Claire's. They were actually little cell phone pockets but I cut one end off them and they made perfect wristbands. I already owned the black tank top, those adidas pants that button down both sides, the white collared shirt, and the red headband (I just turned it so that you couldn't see the USC side). And I found the red tie in my dad's closet. I bought the suit vest at a thrift store and I was almost ready to roll. C told me that I wasn't allowed to wear knee pads because every douche bag guy at the party was going to make some comment about them. But they completed my costume so I didn't really have a choice and I bought a pair at Sport Chalet. And then I bought the Little Miss Sunshine DVD so I could learn her dance. Yes, really.
I'm realizing that this may sound like it was a lot of hassle, but it really wasn't. I happened across most of the pieces of this outfit on shopping trips I was already on. And even if it had been a hassle, I still had the best costume at the party, if I do say so myself.
So I currently have 2-3 outfits in mind and I'm on the lookout. I bought a dress at the Palmdale thrift store a few months ago that I think will work for one of the costumes I have in mind. But the hunt is still on and my excitement is growing!