I thought this movie was great. Compelling, entertaining, exciting, funny, etc. Probably one of the best superhero movies I've seen. But this poster is a bit deceiving,
[C said it wasn't right to post this and ruin the surprise so **SPOILER ALERT**]

because, well, that guy is NAKED for the majority of the movie. He wears this suit in like one scene and a glorified thong in a few others but for the most part he's just walking around with his glowing blue wang out. And none of the other characters acknowledge it or tell him to put some damn clothes on, EVER. He's just hanging out naked. All the time. That's just how it is. And it's cool, whatever, because I guess that's how it is in the book. And I guess not everybody is apparently an eight year old at heart who feels the need to slap her seatmate on the shoulder, giggle, and hiss "BLUE WANG!!" whenever it appears.