I mean, I assume they're fun for the bride (otherwise, why on earth have them?). Having never gotten married or had a baby, I don't know what it's like to be the guest of honor person at a shower. I'm assuming it's really nice, am I right? I have had a couple graduations and I seem to recall always greatly enjoying at both the ceremony and the party afterward, but when I think of other people's graduations I remember them as tedious and excessively long. So maybe showers work the same way?
I didn't know this bride very well so I was thinking maybe that was the reason I didn't feel that overjoyed at

But maybe that's just me. Maybe I just don't properly appreciate showers. Maybe it's my personality. Maybe I'll just have to accept my fate as the sulky one who keeps her eyes focused on her plate and can't make small talk and accidentally walks into the men's room.