Tuesday was our mini graduation for completing the prelicensure year of the program. Since it wasn't a "real graduation," it wasn't like a "real graduation ceremony." Which basically meant that it was nicely short and sweet and had a party atmosphere-- lots of hooting, hollering, and laughing. It was the perfect balance of recognizing our big accomplishment of getting through the year, thanking our families and loved ones for helping us through it, appreciating the faculty and our patients, and making fun of us M3PNs and the crazy stuff we've done and been through.
Afterward we mingled, took photos, and did some serious snacking. My parents gave me a new UC$F sweatshirt and my sisters had sent me my very own pair of Danskos. It's like I'm a real nurse now or something!*
The school year is officially over. I really did it. Huh.
* Well, not quite. I still need to take the NCLEX. I've started the Kaplan prep class and signed up for my test date. Now if I could only find a job. That would be nice.