I was about to get all up on my high horse and talk about how lame a book concept that is and how ridiculous it is that I happened to pick the same name for my url...... but then I realized that the author of The Royal Pain also wrote these books. To which I am totally addicted. I read the first one, Undead and Unwed, after I found it on a shelf in the garage at my parents' house. Initially I read with a half-smirk on my face, grimacing at the bad grammar, uneven plot, and inconsistent character traits (and names). But then... I don't know, I sort of got into it. I have to be serious and read intelligent or boring books so much in my life that it felt nice to read a little fun book like this. And it sure didn't hurt that certain parts are, well, rather titillating and raunchy. And the latest one just came out on July 1. Not that I'm planning to buy it or anything but if it happened to end up in my apartment I probably wouldn't say no to a bath, a drink, and a peek into the complicated, sexy, sarcastic, extravagant lives of the king and queen of the vampires.