So... this happened.
Check out the awesome Ger1atr1cs specialty pin and the fake diploma. Oh yeah.
We started our afternoon in probably the diveyest (diviest?) of dive bars,
The Hot Spot. It was close to the graduation ceremony location and we figured it probably wouldn't be crowded.
The gorgeous lady in the adorbs pink hat is my friend D, of the m1dw1fery specialty. She and I have been friends since our first year (the RN part of the program... it's confusing) and I don't know how I would have made it this far without her. And her hat is amazing. |
That glass of champagne was free, btw. |
I happened to arrive at the bar about thirty minutes before any of my friends or our families showed up. So I sat at the bar and made friends with some of the, erm, characters of the Tenderloin. Eventually everybody got there, but you'll have to take my word for it that my family was there since they're internet-shy. They were there with bells on, and they made for quite a boisterous cheering section.
Some of my favorite peeps from the 1st year of the program, outside the symphony hall where we put on and tried to figure out how to make our hoods lay the way they were supposed to and also not choke us. |
More kids from my specialty, hanging out backstage before our spectacular entrance. Ger1 Gals... Unite! |
We did it!!! |
After the ceremony there was lots of milling around, hugs and handshakes with my professors and friends, and photo opportunities. Then it was off to
Sushi Toni for delicious food and drinkies with the fam (I swear they were there), not to mention PRESENTS! And party favors! KC
redeemed himself and gave me a gorgeous purse and my parents gave me a string of pearls which I think is very proper and grownup and ladylike.
A good time was had by all. But mostly me.