Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Livingroom: Before (And I'm on break!)

This quarter has been, well, HARD. Really really effing HARD. There was school. And clinicals. And work. And my, ahem, extracurricular activities. So I actually didn't finish my last two papers until yesterday. But now I'm done! Yay!

So I kind of put my organization project on hold for the month of December. It wasn't intentional, I just... never got around to it. So I guess I will be starting with the March month of my book in January. Maybe if I skip enough months I'll be right on track! March involves "organizing the buisness of life" which I guess means one's home office. My "home office" is my kitchen table/desk and the bookshelf behind it.

My home office:

So I have come to realize that the problem with zenning one room at a time is that whatever room I am not working on tends to take on disproportionate clutter and mess:

Notice the broken mini dresser? And my old computer? Those would be carryovers from my bedroom zen. I guess I can't use that excuse for still having my crappy old suitcase but seriously Bowie can't get enough of it. The only reason he isn't laying on top of it in this picture is that I was sitting there doing my homework and he wanted to lay on my books and be in my personal space.

I also have not yet zenned my closet, resulting in this:

Yep. That's my couch. Sometimes it is also the place where I fling my clothes. Looks like I have my work cut out for me.