Saturday, September 27, 2008


So apparently me getting up at or before 5 am for three days in a row is bad. And not just because I can't seem to get my brain working and I'm having trouble writing any of these sentences at all, let alone coherently. I came over to Michelle's house today and declined her offer of going to a party with her and her boyfriend because I just couldn't fathom the idea of making polite conversation with strangers for the afternoon. Instead I took a luxurious shower and collapsed into bed. But then I realized I had left the timed heater lamp thing on in the bathroom. Which meant that it was ticking and I wanted to turn it off. So I stood up from bed probably too quickly, got a headrush, stepped awkwardly onto the ground with my right foot and slammed my left foot, medial malleolus-first into a dresser/pile of boxes. And it effing HURT! And, five hours later, it still hurts. Good thing I'm not, oh I don't know, in a demanding academic program wherein I'm required to run around a hospital unit and stand for extensive periods of time. Yep, good thing.