Baby Clover was born on October 14 at 9:36AM.
He weighed 8lbs 6oz and was 20 and 3/4 inches tall.
Now that he's out in the world, his name is Tiernan. But I think he will always be my Baby Clover.
I love him so much.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Monday, August 15, 2016
A friend of mine is pregnant and her baby shower next weekend. I can’t make it to the shower. BUT I put
together a lovely package and mailed it to the shower hostess. So, my
friend will have a nice gift from me to open at her shower. Which
basically mean that I get, like, partial shower credit.
Maybe you’re already aware of this as an option but
I only recognized it as a thing when it happened at my bridal shower. I
had a friend who was unsure if she could make it to the shower, so she
sent a gift to the hostess. She ended up
not being able to make it, but I opened her gift at the shower and it
gave me an “aww, how thoughtful” feeling toward my friend. It’s the kind
of thing that has the EFFECT of seeming “above and beyond” in terms of
effort, when it in fact is way EASIER.
[I swear I WOULD go to my friend’s baby shower if I
could, but it is too far away and I have a prior commitment. This is
not a suggestion that in any way should imply that I am a person who
avoids baby/bridal showers on a regular basis,
disclaimer disclaimer disclaimer.]
I seem to have reached
the point in my pregnancy at which putting on work clothes is a
difficult task. Usually my work uniform consists of a dress, leggings,
and boots.
I had to start wearing
compression socks to work because my legs were getting swollen and a
little painful. Putting them on is a bit of a pain but I think I’ve got a
system now. I sit on the bed sideways in my
underclothes and put one foot on the bed at a time and wrassle the
socks onto my feet. Then, I’m usually tired and a little sweaty, so I
don’t want to put on leggings. So I put on a pair of pants.
“You should buy the
size you were before getting pregnant” said the lady at Motherhood
Maternity. Bullshit. These pants are XL and are starting to feel a
little tight. These pants are the pants I will be wearing
for the next two months at work.
I also bought some new shoes. They are slip-ons and very comfortable and very boring.
They’re even more
boring than the ones from this link because the ones I bought don’t even
have the hot pink insoles, just plain black. But WHATEVER, I’m wearing
clothes at work, gold star for me.
I’ve been going to a
different gym than usual. The one closest by my house is like a big
warehouse. One huge room with a high ceiling containing all the
equipment (plus a couple of adjacent rooms for individual
classes and whatnot). The locker rooms are spacious and usually fairly
well kept. I’ve been going to a slightly farther away gym because this
one has a pool and a hot tub. Sitting in the hot tub after working out
is very nice and relaxing.
However, this new gym
is unfortunately more gross than the old one. The locker rooms are
teensy with weird small hallways between apparently added-on spaces.
The whole thing is just more stinky, possibly because of the smaller
more enclosed spaces. And the people there seem to be more prone to be
gross in this gross place. There are clumps of hair in the shower drains.
There’s always some woman using the (ONLY)
hand dryer to dry her whole body or someone else
exfoliating her feet or deeply Q-tipping her ears on one of the locker room benches. And more than
once I’ve run into this lady in the hot tub who drinks this POTION that
makes my stomach turn. It looks like maybe iced tea with, like, whole
baby carrots and garlic cloves in it? I honestly
have no idea what’s in it. There are little orange oblong bits and
round white bits and some of them sink to the bottom of her water bottle
and some of them float. She sits in the hot tub and takes big gulps of
it and drinks/CHEWS it noisily and I just cannot
And the design is
weird. To enter the gym, you walk up a flight of stairs. You sign in at
the front desk. Then you walk DOWN a flight of stairs to go to the
locker rooms. Then it’s back up the damn stairs again
if you’d like to use any of the workout equipment.
Despite its grossness,
I’ve been going to this gym really solely because of the hot tub. I try
not to think about the (high) possibility that people are also gross IN
the hot tub when they’re gross everywhere
I passed my glucose tolerance test. I had heard a lot about it being HORRIBLE, but it wasn't so bad. I downed the syrupy beverage and really the only issue was some icky burps during the hour I had to wait before the blood test. So that test was fine.
But, unfortunately, I’m
mildly anemic so my doctor said I should start an iron supplement. I’m
going to start with changing my diet first, though, and see if that
makes a difference. I have definitely not been eating
iron rich foods.
There was the week when
I could only eat Spaghetti-Os. Then there was the week when I could
only eat Cheerios. Buttered noodles have also been a staple in my diet. Since I’m not feeling as sick anymore, I’ve
definitely been able to eat more different types of things
but iron-rich foods haven’t so much been on my radar. I basically eat
unintentionally vegetarian during the week and then splash out a bit on
the weekends.
Anyhow, I’ve been
snacking on crackers with goat cheese and spinach leaves at work. And
over the weekend Niall made tacos so I have leftover taco meat that I’ll be eating all week.
And I have a cast iron
skillet that I’m going to cook in more, once I figure out how to
“season” it properly so food doesn’t just stick to it.
And I also bought this Lucky Iron Fish. I’m planning to make the iron-citrus water and, y’know, drink it.
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Cat update
Bowie’s behavior continues to mystify.
He hasn’t peed anywhere inappropriate recently
(*knocks furiously on desk and own head*), but he seems to still be more…
anxious? restless? annoying? Than usual.
Like, in the evenings at our old place he used to
just hang out in the living room or wherever we were. He would lie down
on the back of the couch or curl up in a chair and take a snooze. Now
usually starting at about 8PM
he just won’t
settle down. He’ll stalk around the room and go over to the bookshelves
and knock the contents to the floor. He’ll knock papers off the
desk and shred them into tiny pieces. He’ll stand at the front door and
meow. He’s 12 years old, so I sort of thought
he would get LESS active and crazy over the years, but it doesn’t seem
like it. And it seems like it coincides with all the big changes in his
life, but I don’t know how to fix it.
About, oh, a year ago I want to say (?), the vet
(old vet, not new vet) told me that Bowie was too heavy at 26lbs and
needed to go on a diet or else he would get diabetes. The vet
recommended Fancy Feast Tender Beef because it’s high in
protein and doesn’t have fillers or grains. So now he gets one can of
Fancy Feast Tender Beef in the morning and one in the evening, plus a
tiny scoop of dry food when we put him in the garage at bedtime.
As a semi-related side note, have I told you about
my former cat sitter who shamed me about Bowie’s food? He texted me
while I was out of town to tell me that Bowie had eaten HIS ENTIRE BOWL
OF FOOD from the previous day and maybe I should
consider an automatic cat feeder. I was like 1. Call me when the cat
DOESN’T eat his entire bowl of food. Then I’ll be worried. And 2. Are
you trying to talk yourself out of a job?
Anyhow, I digress, but it was just an interested incident of someone worrying about my 26 pound cat being UNDERfed.
On his new diet, Bowie went from 26 pounds to 17
pounds. HE LOST NINE POUNDS. That’s like, a whole normal sized cat. His
bones started to stick out more. And now he's all jittery and anxious. So maybe he DOES need to eat more now?
About a month ago I decided that if it would
make him HAPPIER, I would just give him more food. So I bought this
automatic cat feeder to give him little snackies while I was at work. I had it for a week and a half before Bowie
managed to break it so that the lids won’t close anymore. So then I
started leaving him a little extra food in the morning
before I left for work and he started puking on a daily basis. Because
apparently he will just EAT ALL THE FOOD if you just leave it out.
I’ve started trying to give him more attention when I first get home from work and later in the evenings.
I’ve tried distracting him with the laser pointer when he starts throwing papers on the floor.
I’ve tried squirting him with water when he does his annoying habits.
I’ve tried opening the balcony door and letting him wander out there in the evenings.
I’ve tried sprinkling catnip on his scratch pad.
I’ve tried giving him an extra little snack in the evenings and a bigger one at bedtime.
Nothing has changed.
I think my next step will be one of those anti-anxiety cat collars or diffusers. Anyone have experience with that?
Monday, July 25, 2016
As you may recall, my car was stolen (and miraculously returned!) and at that point Niall and I decided that it
was high time to skedaddle out of our current apartment and live
somewhere else. I happened to find our new place the very day
my car was stolen, in early November. We signed our new lease and gave
notice at our old place in mid-November and started frantically packing.
We moved everything and were out of our old place by December 12
and do not get me started on how crappy our former landlords turned out
to be. I can’t even revisit it because it made me RAGE CRY and I just
Anyhow, so we were fully moved into our new place on December 12 and then we left for Ireland on December 23 for two weeks. We returned in early January and then Niall had to go to Phoenix for work for a few days and things were hectic
with both of us going back to work after vacation. On January 30
I got my first shadow line on a pregnancy test. So that week I was on
pins and needles, peeing on a stick least twice a day (since my period
wasn’t even due until February 5). We had decided to have a Super Bowl party on Feb 7 (we had sort of halfheartedly done one the previous year and it was really fun, so we decided to make it an annual event), which meant that on Feb 6 and 7 there was frantic cleaning and prepping our house for guests.
Also in the evening of Feb 6,
the cat, Bowie, started acting weird. The first thing I noticed was
that he peed NEXT TO his litter box. I was pretty annoyed by that, but
then I realized he was walking kind of gingerly. And then as I was
paying more attention to him that night I realized he was sitting kind
of funny and he kept getting up. He wouldn’t just settle down for a
snooze like he usually does. He was clearly uncomfortable, so I decided
that I would take him to the vet in the morning
(it didn’t occur to me to just take him to the emergency vet right
THEN, which I now realize I should have done).
We usually put Bowie in the garage when we go to bed, but we
let him stay in the house that night. The reason we put him in the
garage is that he’ll usually start being a pest in the wee hours-
walking around, jumping on things, meowing loudly, scritching
at doors, generally being a cathole. That night? Nothing. He didn’t
make a peep. But then in the morning I walked into the kitchen and he
was fine! Normal energy level, acting normal, didn’t seem to be in pain,
peeing in the litter box. So… okay then. I decided
not to take him to the vet, and I couldn’t get an appointment that day
(We had the Super Bowl party, it was fun!)
The next day later Bowie peed in the closet.
Two days after that I caught him right before he
was about to pee in the closet AGAIN. I called the vet. They didn’t have
any appointments. I ended up taking him to the emergency vet. For $400
they took a urine sample, determined that he
might have a UTI, and gave me 2 weeks’ worth of antibiotics for him. He
seemed to do better. Then they called a few days later to say guess
what! The urine grew nothing, so he does NOT have a UTI. So, I’m a
nurse, you guys. And I did EXACTLY the thing I tell
my patients not to do. I kept giving Bowie the antibiotics for the rest
of the week. So he ended up taking a weeks’ worth. And I dunno, he
seemed better! He didn’t pee anywhere.
And then a couple weeks later I found a puddle of
pee in the closet again. So I finally made an appointment with a regular
vet. Since we had moved, I wanted to establish care at a local vet office.
So we went to the new vet. And I think he
either is or is related to Dr. Dolittle because wow. This guy. At first
I was like oh who is this weird hippie doctor with a ponytail? He
breezed into the room “Hi I’m Jerry. Don’t get up, I’m pretty casual.
The first thing to know here is that at every appointment
I’d like to start with a very open and honest conversation just to make
sure we are all on the same page and that we’re having good
communication.” WOAH. Okay then. I told him what had been going on with
Bowie. He enthusiastically explained that the peeing
in the closet could have been physical (UTI) or behavioral (cathole).
I had explained to the vet that the emergency vets
said Bowie’s urine test had come back negative. And he explained that it
Bowie still MIGHT have had a UTI.
See, as I mentioned, I’m a nurse. The way we get
urine samples from people is we either have them pee (most convenient!)
or if they cannot pee, we stick a tube up through the peehole and into
their bladder and collect the urine (least convenient!).
I was unaware that for a CAT, they do not stick the tub up through
their business, they use a needle through their belly and collect urine
directly from the bladder. SO, if Bowie did have a UTI that was
somewhere OTHER than the bladder, the test would not
detect it. So MAYBE that medicine did in fact help clear up a lower
down infection. Huh.
The vet asked if we could think of anything else
that could be affecting Bowie, emotionally or behaviorally speaking.
And, well, yeah: We moved rather quickly and frantically, and then Niall
and I went out of the country and left Bowie with
my parents for 2 weeks soon after moving, and then we were suddenly in the new house, and then Niall went away for awhile and came back, and then I got pregnant (COULD THE CAT
SENSE IT?). And then there was the frantic cleaning before our Super Bowl
party. Oh, and Niall and I also remembered that our new landlord saying
that she replaced all the floors in our house,
because the previous tenants had 2 large dogs. So perhaps there are
some lingering dog smells in the house?
The vet was like. Uh. Yeah that’s a lot of stuff.
So we came up with a plan: I would buy a blacklight
and search the WHOLE house for cat pee. I would also buy special
cat-pee removal cleaning product because other cleaning products don’t
actually break up the enzymes and cats can still
SMELL the pee, so they’ll still want to pee there. And then clean up
all the cat pee I found, to make sure there aren’t any traces anywhere
there shouldn’t be. And the vet would do a blood test to see if
something was wrong, some physical reason Bowie wasn’t
feeling good that was making him act out.
We didn’t find any more cat pee in the house
(yay!), and the blood tests all came back fine (also yay!). The vet had
also mentioned that indoor cats sometimes tend to go a bit stir crazy
since normally cats roam about 5 miles per day and
indoor cats have that taken away from them. He asked if we have a cat
tree. Uh. No. I do not have a cat tree. I don’t have room in my life for
a cat tree. But then I realized that our house DOES have kind of an odd
nook. It’s like a miniature loft over the
stairs that you can’t access without precariously balancing a ladder on
the staircase. So I got the idea in my head that it could be Bowie’s
area. We went to out and bought some shelves and got a new cat bed and
scratcher thing and now Bowie has his own little
It took a bit of convincing to get him to learn to jump up the shelves into the area. We used food.
Once he got the hang of it he can bound up there in no time.
He seems to like it!
The next day Niall went to the gym. He was walking
to his car outside our house and exchanged a few pleasantries with our
nextdoor neighbor lady. Then he noticed a LARGE SNAKE on the ground in
the neighbor’s driveway. As Niall got into
his car, the neighbor PICKED UP THE SNAKE and took it into her garage.
So… apparently our neighbors have a large pet snake? I’m thinking THAT might be causing Bowie (and now me) some anxiety.
My brilliant ideas,
things that make me smile
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
And now I shall
discuss some of the less dignified side effects of pregnancy. As a
sidenote, I hope this post doesn’t sound too complainey. I’m SO thrilled
to be pregnant and I haven’t forgotten how lucky I
am. Just want to make that clear before I dive in.
Pretty much from the moment I got a positive
pregnancy test I started feeling a low-grade queasiness throughout the
day. It came and went, but was mostly there all the time. An
undercurrent of nausea peppered here and there with instances
of feeling okay and bouts of puking.
Maybe I should have kept a better timeline of my
symptoms because when I describe them I find myself using a lot of wishy
washy language, but alas. From around week 6 to week 14 I was puking nearly every day. Which, I didn’t think
was a huge amount since I’ve heard so many stories of pregnant ladies
puking, like, every HOUR or something. I would usually just feel kind of
mildly queasy all day and then have one big session of puking in the
evening after dinner. It was, on the whole,
a rather frustrating existence. I would battle against the nausea to
eat something and then either throw it back up or not, but either way I
would be hungry again in like an hour and a half. Second verse, same as the first.
Once in awhile I would puke at work. Like this one
day I felt like I really wanted to eat a cucumber, so I walked to the fruits
& veggies stand down the road and bought one. Then I brought it
back, sliced it, and ate it at my desk with a side
of ranch. I was so smug and proud of myself like Look at me and my
healthy snack! Gold star for feeding my baby VEGETABLES! And then as
soon as I finished it I had to run to the bathroom (AT WORK) to throw it
all up.
I’ve found that puking at work is especially
miserable. Afterwards I usually do feel better, but I also kind of want
to lie down and feel sorry for myself for a little while, which is
difficult/impossible to do at work. Plus, it’s just
grosser to get sick in a public bathroom rather than in my own at home.
PLUS, sometimes I would be puking so hard that the toilet water would
At weeks 14 to 18 ish the puking dwindled down to maybe two or three times a week. And at about that time I also started having, erm, accidents
while I was puking. I would throw up and sometimes ALSO PEE MY PANTS, which just
feels like a new level of undignified. This is my first baby! I thought incontinence issues weren't supposed to start until one has already given birth!
I brought an extra pair of undies and leggings to keep in my desk drawer at work, just in case.
Plus, there was the exhaustion. The entire
first trimester I was JUST. SO. TIRED. So tired! How do women do this
with other children? I don’t understand. It was literally all I could do
to make it through the workday, get home, battle with
my stomach for dinner, and lie down for the rest of the evening. AND
the first trimester is traditionally the time of pregnancy when most
people try to keep things quiet for one reason or another. So I
was miserable and tired and pukey at work and I
didn’t even feel like I could tell my coworkers. Of course, knowing I was pregnant since week THREE made the first trimester go
particularly slowly and I ended up
telling my coworkers I was pregnant when I was at week nine + change.
Some of them had already guessed after seeing me run to the bathroom
wearing my anti-nausea wristbands and looking all
ghostly white and sickly.
Things that are especially wretched to throw up, an incomplete list:
Cucumbers- Sushi (hold your fire! It was just and avocado/rice roll) & soy sauce
- Tuna sandwich
- Fries & ketchup
- Ramen noodles
- Tomato soup
- Potato soup
- Caprese salad
- Popcorn
Things that actually aren’t so bad to throw up:
Waffles- Ice cream sandwiches
- Chicken tikka masala (surprisingly!)
At this point
(21 weeks) I’m feeling a bit better. Within the past few weeks I haven’t
puked nearly as much and I haven’t had that continuous undercurrent of
nausea [*knocks on wood*]. I hope I didn’t just jinx
that. I did recently vomit popcorn in the Target parking lot and the
chicken tikka masala episode was last night, but really it hasn’t been
so bad. I feel better overall. I am also starting to feel a big
squished. And in the afternoons I’ve started getting
heartburn pain in my stomach which later turns into feeling the hot
stomach acid in my THROAT.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
nesting and resting
The nesting instinct is strong right now. I want to get baby Clover's room ready for him! I want to start folding and putting away baby clothes and organizing all of our adorable baby things (which is like four things at this point, but STILL the need is strong).
Here's the deal: Clover's room is our spare bedroom, which used to have a desk and some miscellaneous shelves and a bed in it. A friend was getting rid of her really nice gently used crib so we took it off her hands for practically a song. We got rid of the desk (and by that I mean we put it in the garage) so now the room has a bed, the crib, and some miscellaneous shelves.
I went into Clover's room full of purpose today, armed with trash bags. I was going to donate, toss, and recycle as much stuff from those shelves as I could!
But then I got in there and I sat down on the bed and I realized there really isn't that much stuff on those shelves. I have some little file boxes (not just regular cardboard boxes, the decorative looking ones) and those should go in my bedroom. And nearly everything else is office supplies, which need to be consolidated and also probably put in the bedroom, but right now there isn't room in the bedroom.
So I went into our bedroom to clear some space for the file boxes. But then I realized that the tall skinny bookshelf next to my side of the bed is kind of the perfect size for this weird tall skinny closet we have in the hall that has no clothes bar (we've been awkwardly piling things in the closet but that doesn't really make the best use of the space). So really I should move the tall skinny bookshelf into the hall closet and move then one of the littler shelves from Clover's room into my room to hold the file boxes and whatnot. And Niall is out of town for a few days for work and I probably shouldn't be moving furniture by myself (because (a) my arm muscles are purely decorative, and (b) all of my innards seem to be getting rather squished and I think my lung capacity is suffering from it (I got out of breath just from hurrying around the grocery store the other day)). So, okay. When Niall gets back, we (he) will move the shelves around and THEN I'll really do some organizing and move things from Clover's room into our bedroom.
But I really wanted to do SOMETHING, since I had been so full of purpose earlier. So I ended up cleaning out my nightstand. I cleared everything out of it, tossed a few things, moved a few things to other places, and put things away properly and neatly in the drawers. And after that I was exhausted and had to have a little lie down.
Here's the deal: Clover's room is our spare bedroom, which used to have a desk and some miscellaneous shelves and a bed in it. A friend was getting rid of her really nice gently used crib so we took it off her hands for practically a song. We got rid of the desk (and by that I mean we put it in the garage) so now the room has a bed, the crib, and some miscellaneous shelves.
I went into Clover's room full of purpose today, armed with trash bags. I was going to donate, toss, and recycle as much stuff from those shelves as I could!
But then I got in there and I sat down on the bed and I realized there really isn't that much stuff on those shelves. I have some little file boxes (not just regular cardboard boxes, the decorative looking ones) and those should go in my bedroom. And nearly everything else is office supplies, which need to be consolidated and also probably put in the bedroom, but right now there isn't room in the bedroom.
So I went into our bedroom to clear some space for the file boxes. But then I realized that the tall skinny bookshelf next to my side of the bed is kind of the perfect size for this weird tall skinny closet we have in the hall that has no clothes bar (we've been awkwardly piling things in the closet but that doesn't really make the best use of the space). So really I should move the tall skinny bookshelf into the hall closet and move then one of the littler shelves from Clover's room into my room to hold the file boxes and whatnot. And Niall is out of town for a few days for work and I probably shouldn't be moving furniture by myself (because (a) my arm muscles are purely decorative, and (b) all of my innards seem to be getting rather squished and I think my lung capacity is suffering from it (I got out of breath just from hurrying around the grocery store the other day)). So, okay. When Niall gets back, we (he) will move the shelves around and THEN I'll really do some organizing and move things from Clover's room into our bedroom.
But I really wanted to do SOMETHING, since I had been so full of purpose earlier. So I ended up cleaning out my nightstand. I cleared everything out of it, tossed a few things, moved a few things to other places, and put things away properly and neatly in the drawers. And after that I was exhausted and had to have a little lie down.
Monday, May 30, 2016
Precious Cargo
One of the reasons that Niall and I decided that now was the time for me to get a new car was this:
![]() |
That right there is a BABY BUMP. |
Baby Clover (nickname) is due October 16. And if I know anything about babies and due dates, I’m sure that baby Clover will arrive PRECISELY on that date. Har har.
So that makes me 20 weeks pregnant right now. This ish is getting real.
I’ve known I was pregnant since the first moment it
was possible to know. I took a couple of those discount peestick tests
from Amazon a solid 6 days before my period was due and got the faintest
shadow line possible.
![]() |
Do you see it? |
So then I drove to Target and got an actual
pregnancy test with, like, a plastic holder part and everything and the
tiny line appeared.
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How about now? Do you see it? |
And it kept appearing and getting darker all
week! Niall may have gotten a little weary of me
waving peesticks in his face LOOK AT THIS DO YOU SEE A LINE I THINK I
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And we just found out last week that it's a baby BOY.
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Baby Clover |
I get to have a baby with somebody who loves me and wants a baby, too. I got married last year and now I’m having a baby.
How on EARTH did I get this lucky?
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Pour one out for Jamboree
I got a new car. But before we get too excited,
let’s take a minute to appreciate my old car. I feel like I need to pay
her the respect she deserves.
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Here she is, fresh from the car wash. |
The car I’ve had for the past 13+ years was a 1997
black Honda CR-V. We (*my parents) bought it gently used when I was a
senior in college.
I named the car Jamboree.
She served me well all these years. I’ve driven up and down and up and
down and up and down and up the length of California. I’ve driven to
Tahoe and Big Bear and Mammoth in the snow. I’ve packed
it full of all my stuff on multiple occasions and moved.
LA to SF move, 2008 |
I taught one of my nieces to drive in
it. I’ve gotten into several
accidents (both at fault and non at fault) and walked away uninjured
each time. I could fit into tiny parking spaces but also fit large
pieces of furniture in the back.
And, as Jamboree and
I both got older, I could park obnoxiously close to douchebags who felt
entitled to take up more than their fair share of the parking lot with
their douchebag fancy cars. I didn’t
care if my door got dinged or whatever, Oh? You’re going to park IN
THE MIDDLE OF two clearly marked parking spaces, here’s my shitty
Over time, Jamboree gained a
lot of, ah, shall we say, character. One by one, all of the “creature
comforts,” as my mother calls them, started failing. The clicker stopped
opening the back hatch and then it stopped locking or unlocking
the car. The passenger side mirror was shattered. The windshield was cracked. If it rained outside, it also rained on
the passenger side floor.
The air conditioner would only work if I was on the highway. The
CD player would get stuck and refuse to play either the CD or the radio
until I jammed an old hotel key card into it to jiggle things loose. I
decided to embrace the quirkiness and covered
Jamboree with USC bumper stickers and got a vanity license plate.
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Fight On! |
When Niall and I moved in together, we moved into a
nice apartment in a nice area, or so we thought. We did not realize
that the “nice” area was actually right on the cusp of a not so nice
area. Which is fine, whatever. Except that we have
two cars. Both of us need cars for work (I could go on a long tangent
here about public transportation in SF and why the two of us
specifically need our cars, but can you just take my word for it?). Our
new apartment had a 1 car garage, which was GREAT. Niall
tried to pull his car into it and ended up scraping the passenger side
mirror and the driver’s side door because the garage is NARROW. So I
started parking my car in there.
And then… Niall’s car got broken into 3
times over the course of 2 months. So we swapped.
Niall learned how to squeeze his wider-than-the-garage-door car into
the garage, presumably by some wizardry,
and I started parking my car on the street. I decided to just leave the
doors unlocked, but then I got to my car
one morning to find it full of garbage and reeking of cigarette smoke,
so okay fine I’ll lock it. And then it was broken into twice.
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And a good morning to you as well. |
And then
the battery was stolen once. And THEN, one fateful
November morning, I walked up to the spot where I had parked my car and it was just… gone.
Dude, where’s my car?
I called Niall on the off chance that he had moved
my car in the middle of the night for some reason. Nope. I walked up and
down the little street to make sure I hadn’t left it in a different
spot and forgotten. Nope. I called the city
to make sure it hadn’t been towed. Nope. ALL SIGNS POINTED TO STOLEN.
Somebody stole my 1997 Honda with 255,000 miles on it.
I took a Lyft to the police station and reported
the car as stolen. And then I went home and found us a new apartment on
I reported the thievery to my insurance company and
picked up a rental car. And then I was stuck in limbo for some
unidentified amount of time until the insurance company would declare my
car a “Total Loss.”
After three or four days I was CERTAIN my car was in pieces spread far and
wide, but I kept waiting. AND THEN. One morning I was on my way to
work when my friend Daniel called me. I figured it was a butt dial, but
no! HE FOUND MY CAR. He was cycling to work and
noticed a junky old Hondy CR-V plastered with USC stickers. HE FOUND MY
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The car was
totally fine! It was still in San Francisco, parked in a neighborhood,
WITH A FULL TANK OF GAS. I looked like somebody was using my car like it
was THEIR car. I don’t know what they were using to
start the car, but apparently you can start an old Honda with, like, a
screwdriver. ANYWAY, I called the police
and told them I had found the car. They sent a cop over and released the car back into my
custody. I gotta say, I wasn’t too impressed with the SFPD. I had
reported my car as stolen and it turned up still
in San Francisco. They obviously weren’t looking very HARD for it. And
the cop basically glanced at my car and gave me a piece of paper. Call
me naïve, but I thought he might go knocking on some nearby doors or
dust the car for fingerprints or… ANYTHING AT
is the part in my story where people like to point out that car theft
is SO common that the police just don’t even have the time or resources
to deal with it and I reject
this because, come on. I feel like doing NOTHING AT ALL to isn’t going
to stop many car thieves. But whatever [sarcastic jazz hands].)
Anyhow, I had my Jamboree back! It had a few new bumps and bruises, but nothing too serious.
I got a club.
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For a few months everything was great!
And then Jamboree started
making a sound like an old fashioned automobile. Chugga chugga chugga
AWOOGA. I took it into my regular car place and they told me it was the
muffler, but that I should take it to a muffler
shop since they could only replace the whole [something] that would
cost a lot more than just replacing whatever part of the muffler was
malfunctioning. So I took Jamboree to the
muffler shop where the mechanic seemed to take personal offense at the
that it might be the muffler, “Who told you that? Did they actually
DRIVE the car and hear the noise? Did they just ASSUME it was the
muffler? Where’s their evidence.” After a few minutes of
deer-in-the-headlights stammering, I sweetly offered to give Mr.
Muffler the phone number for Mr. Auto Shop so they could hash things
out, but muffler man declined. After a thorough exam, he concluded that
he didn’t know where the sound was coming from but it was Definitely Not
the Muffler.
Okay, fine.
So I just ignored it. And it went away!
Only to be replaced with
THIS noise:
I promise you, I was not transporting a sea lion.
So Niall and I discussed it and we decided that it was time for me to get a new car. While Niall would have been happy to see Jamboree sold for parts, I was wringing my hands and having an emotional crisis. My
carrrrrr. My Jamboreeeeee. She had been such a good carrrrrrr. I loved that
car and nobody
would appreciate it like me, would they?
As you may or may not know, I have a slew
of nieces and nephews, several of whom are teenagers right now. I
decided to give Jamboree to my next
niece in line who is turning 16. She is pretty thrilled.
And fortunately,
my dad seems to have the same sentimental streak as I do (or is it the
other way around?). He took the car to his mechanic where
they fixed, wait for it, the BRAKES AND STEERING. When I asked what I
owed him, my dad said “Nothing! We have to keep Jamboree in the family!” So, to recap, I have a new car, my niece has a new old car, and my dad is the most generous man in the world.
Goodbye Jamboree, you've been an excellent car. Be good to my niece.
Sunday, May 1, 2016
38. do a race of some kind
Niall and I went to San Diego for Thanksgiving (Thanksgiving! This should give you a good idea of how behind on blogging I am) to visit my family. Being in Ireland, his family doesn't tend to do anything for Thanksgiving.
A few weeks before we went, Niall told me he thought he wanted to do the Turkey Trot. And I briefly lost my mind enough to decide that I wanted to do it too! After all, I did start going to the gym. And I thought I could do a 5k. That's what metric people call like a mile or so, right? Pshh no problem! (NOPE.)
Thanksgiving day rolled around and I rolled out of bed at the arse crack of dawn. We had to get there super early, you see, because in order to run a 5k with me, Niall had to FIRST run a 10k, because otherwise he would have been too antsy and left me in the dust. So he tired himself out with the 10k first and then ran the 5k with me. Just look at us go!
I started off pretty strong. I ran the first mile at a decent clip, but then I faded pretty quickly. I had to alternate running and walking quite a bit of the second and probably into the third mile. The course went along the street and then down onto a beach path. Once we got to the beach path I could SEE the big inflatable archway thing that was the finish line and I started running my little heart out. I didn't realize how FAR away the archway actually was so by the time I reached it my lungs were burning and my legs were jelly.
I think this photo is the most accurate representation of how I felt during and directly after the race:
But I did it! I ran (and walked) the 5k!
And then we went out for burgers.
And then we had Thanksgiving.
And I felt like I earned every bite of my delicious meals because I RAN (and walked) A 5K THAT MORNING.
In conclusion, Thanksgiving is an excellent day to run a 5k if that's something you're into. Maybe by the time Thanksgiving rolls around again I'll have forgotten how miserable I was and want to do it again.
A few weeks before we went, Niall told me he thought he wanted to do the Turkey Trot. And I briefly lost my mind enough to decide that I wanted to do it too! After all, I did start going to the gym. And I thought I could do a 5k. That's what metric people call like a mile or so, right? Pshh no problem! (NOPE.)
Thanksgiving day rolled around and I rolled out of bed at the arse crack of dawn. We had to get there super early, you see, because in order to run a 5k with me, Niall had to FIRST run a 10k, because otherwise he would have been too antsy and left me in the dust. So he tired himself out with the 10k first and then ran the 5k with me. Just look at us go!
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Full disclosure: I saw the camera guy and put on a nice big smile for him. |
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Woo hoo! |
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"I'm dying." (Niall wasn't even out of breath. JUST LOOK AT HIM.) |
And then we went out for burgers.
And then we had Thanksgiving.
And I felt like I earned every bite of my delicious meals because I RAN (and walked) A 5K THAT MORNING.
In conclusion, Thanksgiving is an excellent day to run a 5k if that's something you're into. Maybe by the time Thanksgiving rolls around again I'll have forgotten how miserable I was and want to do it again.
classy gym hero,
goals and dreams,
life scavenger hunt,
things that cancel out exercise
Monday, February 15, 2016
Niall pretty much let me take the reins when it came to our wedding registry. Registries aren't common in Ireland, so he was pretty unfamiliar with the concept. I decided that our china pattern was Wedgwood Butterfly Bloom because it was pretty with just the right amount of whimsy. Niall shrugged and said that was fine.
I ended up putting a lot of fancy dishes on the registry, because they were nice and also the kind of things we would not buy for ourselves but that other people seemed to enjoy buying for us. (I hate the way that sounds, like I'm deigning to LET people buy nice, expensive things for us. But I had initially put only this set of 4 plates on the registry and at my bridal shower my mom's friend told me flat out that I needed to add more fancy things to the registry because I didn't have enough nice stuff on there. So I added a lot more of the fancy china pieces (i.e. sandwich plate, teacups, teapot).)
Anyhow, this is the pattern:
Pretty, right?
We received several of the above sets of plates and when we got the first one I opened the box and started loading the dishes into our kitchen cabinets.
Niall, horrified, asked what the hell I was doing.
"I'm... putting these in the cabinet? So we can use them?" My thinking was that we had the dishes and I liked looking at them, so we should use and enjoy them. Niall's thinking was that they were very expensive dishes and that's not whathis mom one does with fancy dishes-- one is supposed to put them away and save them for a special occasion.
So we compromised and put the dishes away for a special occasion, but also got a china hutch to display some ofmy our favorites.
We've been using my mismatched Goodwill dishes for everyday use, until I got the following BRILLIANT IDEA.
I ordered this plate making kit and these markers and brought them to Thanksgiving weekend with my family. The kit just consists of circles of paper that you color your design on and it turned out to be the perfect activity for kids aged 3 through 16. They all loved it! And it was a good activity for them while dinner wasn't ready yet. And they even liked the idea that the plates were for me.
After the kids finished their designs, I sent the paper circles along with my payment and the order form back to the company. The finished plates arrived last week!
Here are some of my faves:
I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. They're melamine, which means you can't put them in the microwave, but they go in the dishwasher just fine. And they're very sturdy. And I just. LOVE THEM SO MUCH.
Oh, you don't want to use the fancy plates on a daily basis, Niall? Challenge accepted.
I ended up putting a lot of fancy dishes on the registry, because they were nice and also the kind of things we would not buy for ourselves but that other people seemed to enjoy buying for us. (I hate the way that sounds, like I'm deigning to LET people buy nice, expensive things for us. But I had initially put only this set of 4 plates on the registry and at my bridal shower my mom's friend told me flat out that I needed to add more fancy things to the registry because I didn't have enough nice stuff on there. So I added a lot more of the fancy china pieces (i.e. sandwich plate, teacups, teapot).)
Anyhow, this is the pattern:
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Image from |
We received several of the above sets of plates and when we got the first one I opened the box and started loading the dishes into our kitchen cabinets.
Niall, horrified, asked what the hell I was doing.
"I'm... putting these in the cabinet? So we can use them?" My thinking was that we had the dishes and I liked looking at them, so we should use and enjoy them. Niall's thinking was that they were very expensive dishes and that's not what
So we compromised and put the dishes away for a special occasion, but also got a china hutch to display some of
You may also spy some Belleek items. It's possible that I... got a little carried away with the registry. |
I ordered this plate making kit and these markers and brought them to Thanksgiving weekend with my family. The kit just consists of circles of paper that you color your design on and it turned out to be the perfect activity for kids aged 3 through 16. They all loved it! And it was a good activity for them while dinner wasn't ready yet. And they even liked the idea that the plates were for me.
After the kids finished their designs, I sent the paper circles along with my payment and the order form back to the company. The finished plates arrived last week!
Here are some of my faves:
I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. They're melamine, which means you can't put them in the microwave, but they go in the dishwasher just fine. And they're very sturdy. And I just. LOVE THEM SO MUCH.
Oh, you don't want to use the fancy plates on a daily basis, Niall? Challenge accepted.
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Mixed Feelings
Severalmany years ago I wrote a post about a darling little mixer that I bought from a thrift store. It really was
adorable and quirky and fit right
into my retro kitchen that I was struggling to have, despite the modern,
new construction apartment I was inhabiting.
I tried to tell myself that I didn’t really
need one of those KitchenAid mixers. They’re so highfalutin and expensive and PROBABLY FULL OF NARGLES.
I’m too cool for that thing everybody else likes because I’m a unique human person snowflake.
But, uh. Then I was getting married and I made a gift registry (because *I*
always appreciate when someone has a registry. Let’s not get dragged
down that tangent, she says,
deleting three paragraphs about registries). Anyhow, I made a gift
registry and I included a KitchenAid mixer because, well, it wouldn’t be
something I would want to buy for myself and a wedding is an excellent
excuse to get the sorts of things one wouldn’t
buy for oneself (see also: fancy china, nice towels, expensive waffle
So we got the new
KitchenAid mixer as a wedding present from some of my relatives and,
yep, I’m totally that person who needs a KitchenAid mixer.
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And a few weeks ago the fancy new mixer and I made Irish brown bread, like some kind of MAGICIAN.
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