I got a new car. But before we get too excited,
let’s take a minute to appreciate my old car. I feel like I need to pay
her the respect she deserves.
Here she is, fresh from the car wash. |
The car I’ve had for the past 13+ years was a 1997
black Honda CR-V. We (*my parents) bought it gently used when I was a
senior in college.
I named the car Jamboree.
She served me well all these years. I’ve driven up and down and up and
down and up and down and up the length of California. I’ve driven to
Tahoe and Big Bear and Mammoth in the snow. I’ve packed
it full of all my stuff on multiple occasions and moved.
LA to SF move, 2008 |
I taught one of my nieces to drive in
it. I’ve gotten into several
accidents (both at fault and non at fault) and walked away uninjured
each time. I could fit into tiny parking spaces but also fit large
pieces of furniture in the back.
And, as Jamboree and
I both got older, I could park obnoxiously close to douchebags who felt
entitled to take up more than their fair share of the parking lot with
their douchebag fancy cars. I didn’t
care if my door got dinged or whatever, Oh? You’re going to park IN
THE MIDDLE OF two clearly marked parking spaces, here’s my shitty
Over time, Jamboree gained a
lot of, ah, shall we say, character. One by one, all of the “creature
comforts,” as my mother calls them, started failing. The clicker stopped
opening the back hatch and then it stopped locking or unlocking
the car. The passenger side mirror was shattered. The windshield was cracked. If it rained outside, it also rained on
the passenger side floor.
The air conditioner would only work if I was on the highway. The
CD player would get stuck and refuse to play either the CD or the radio
until I jammed an old hotel key card into it to jiggle things loose. I
decided to embrace the quirkiness and covered
Jamboree with USC bumper stickers and got a vanity license plate.
Fight On! |
When Niall and I moved in together, we moved into a
nice apartment in a nice area, or so we thought. We did not realize
that the “nice” area was actually right on the cusp of a not so nice
area. Which is fine, whatever. Except that we have
two cars. Both of us need cars for work (I could go on a long tangent
here about public transportation in SF and why the two of us
specifically need our cars, but can you just take my word for it?). Our
new apartment had a 1 car garage, which was GREAT. Niall
tried to pull his car into it and ended up scraping the passenger side
mirror and the driver’s side door because the garage is NARROW. So I
started parking my car in there.
And then… Niall’s car got broken into 3
times over the course of 2 months. So we swapped.
Niall learned how to squeeze his wider-than-the-garage-door car into
the garage, presumably by some wizardry,
and I started parking my car on the street. I decided to just leave the
doors unlocked, but then I got to my car
one morning to find it full of garbage and reeking of cigarette smoke,
so okay fine I’ll lock it. And then it was broken into twice.
And a good morning to you as well. |
And then
the battery was stolen once. And THEN, one fateful
November morning, I walked up to the spot where I had parked my car and it was just… gone.
Dude, where’s my car?
I called Niall on the off chance that he had moved
my car in the middle of the night for some reason. Nope. I walked up and
down the little street to make sure I hadn’t left it in a different
spot and forgotten. Nope. I called the city
to make sure it hadn’t been towed. Nope. ALL SIGNS POINTED TO STOLEN.
Somebody stole my 1997 Honda with 255,000 miles on it.
I took a Lyft to the police station and reported
the car as stolen. And then I went home and found us a new apartment on
I reported the thievery to my insurance company and
picked up a rental car. And then I was stuck in limbo for some
unidentified amount of time until the insurance company would declare my
car a “Total Loss.”
After three or four days I was CERTAIN my car was in pieces spread far and
wide, but I kept waiting. AND THEN. One morning I was on my way to
work when my friend
Daniel called me. I figured it was a butt dial, but
no! HE FOUND MY CAR. He was cycling to work and
noticed a junky old Hondy CR-V plastered with USC stickers. HE FOUND MY
The car was
totally fine! It was still in San Francisco, parked in a neighborhood,
WITH A FULL TANK OF GAS. I looked like somebody was using my car like it
was THEIR car. I don’t know what they were using to
start the car, but apparently you can start an old Honda with, like, a
screwdriver. ANYWAY, I called the police
and told them I had found the car. They sent a cop over and released the car back into my
custody. I gotta say, I wasn’t too impressed with the SFPD. I had
reported my car as stolen and it turned up still
in San Francisco. They obviously weren’t looking very HARD for it. And
the cop basically glanced at my car and gave me a piece of paper. Call
me naïve, but I thought he might go knocking on some nearby doors or
dust the car for fingerprints or… ANYTHING AT
is the part in my story where people like to point out that car theft
is SO common that the police just don’t even have the time or resources
to deal with it and I reject
this because, come on. I feel like doing NOTHING AT ALL to isn’t going
to stop many car thieves. But whatever [sarcastic jazz hands].)
Anyhow, I had my Jamboree back! It had a few new bumps and bruises, but nothing too serious.
I got a club.
For a few months everything was great!
And then Jamboree started
making a sound like an old fashioned automobile. Chugga chugga chugga
AWOOGA. I took it into my regular car place and they told me it was the
muffler, but that I should take it to a muffler
shop since they could only replace the whole [something] that would
cost a lot more than just replacing whatever part of the muffler was
malfunctioning. So I took Jamboree to the
muffler shop where the mechanic seemed to take personal offense at the
that it might be the muffler, “Who told you that? Did they actually
DRIVE the car and hear the noise? Did they just ASSUME it was the
muffler? Where’s their evidence.” After a few minutes of
deer-in-the-headlights stammering, I sweetly offered to give Mr.
Muffler the phone number for Mr. Auto Shop so they could hash things
out, but muffler man declined. After a thorough exam, he concluded that
he didn’t know where the sound was coming from but it was Definitely Not
the Muffler.
Okay, fine.
So I just ignored it. And it went away!
Only to be replaced with
THIS noise:
I promise you, I was not transporting a sea lion.
So Niall and I discussed it and we decided that it was time for me to get a new car. While Niall would have been happy to see Jamboree sold for parts, I was wringing my hands and having an emotional crisis. My
carrrrrr. My Jamboreeeeee. She had been such a good carrrrrrr. I loved that
car and nobody
would appreciate it like me, would they?
As you may or may not know, I have a slew
of nieces and nephews, several of whom are teenagers right now. I
decided to give Jamboree to my next
niece in line who is turning 16. She is pretty thrilled.
And fortunately,
my dad seems to have the same sentimental streak as I do (or is it the
other way around?). He took the car to his mechanic where
they fixed, wait for it, the BRAKES AND STEERING. When I asked what I
owed him, my dad said “Nothing! We have to keep Jamboree in the family!” So, to recap, I have a new car, my niece has a new old car, and my dad is the most generous man in the world.
Goodbye Jamboree, you've been an excellent car. Be good to my niece.